Beyond Therapy Membership
All-access annual membership for one low price
Includes 20+ hours of live and on-demand content, with new content added regularly
Our podcast-based and on-demand formatting let's you access material on your time
Content includes actionable strategies for social justice
Whether subtle or overt, client sexual behavior can be a major concern regardless of counseling setting. Learn how to handle it in this episode with Psychologist Amber Margaretten.
Shaniqua Ford discusses the difference between deconstructing and decolonizing in relationship to ancestral grief healing practices.
Perinatal Mental Health Specialists, Kayce Hodos discusses social challenges facing birthgivers during perinatal loss, and counseling strategies to aid in healing.
Let's unpack the connections between Prince Harry and Meghan's journey and some important mental health topics.
Supervision expert, Shannon Heers discusses the ways ongoing supervision can prevent and address counselor burnout.
Join activist and psychologist, Dr. Brittany Paige for a conversation about how to create inclusive and advocacy-based counseling spaces for LGBTQ2IA+ folx.
Once you purchase a membership, you'll have access to all of courses. Just click on a course, complete the content, test, and evaluation, and your certificate will be available in your student dashboard.
Once you complete your membership, you'll have full access for 365 days. You'll also get access to any courses we add during your membership period.
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